Friday, August 29, 2008

Debt Consolidation Is One Of The Easiest Ways You Can Do

Category: Finance, Credit.

You need to honestly assess and study your financial situation to better manage you debts.

If you realized that you are not making ends meet, then it is the time to meet with a credit counsellor. Consolidate debt loans is one of the most frequently use program or way of dealing with this burden. If you are convince that bankruptcy or counselling is not yet right for you, there are other options. There are numerous ways to consolidate debt loans for your financial wellness. The option to consolidate debt loans could be your first step to your financial wellness. You need to understand and learn how to have a good handle on your debts and loans.

But you need the guide and information to steer ahead. Dealing with your financial problem on your own can be easy too. There is a highly recommended debt settlement and negotiation service which is available to you online. Debt consolidation is one of the easiest ways you can do. It is easy and as simple as signing up for a short sign up form. You can also apply for a low interest bearing credit card and put all your credit card debts in one single credit card. No need for a pledge or a home equity as collateral.

This way you do not need to collateralized your borrowing. Simply put, balance transfer is not a bad idea if you can have good handle on your finances. Some consulting and debt management agencies do offer debt settlement and negotiation services. Make sure to include all the high interest credit card that you have. These agencies will negotiate on your behalf and would lessen your indebtedness by a significant amount. Then you will be amazed to find a lot o these agencies and counsellors that offer these services.

Go online and search the internet for all resources you need. There are a lot of advantages when you consolidate debt loans thru debt management agencies. All you have to do is make sure that you understand the terms and conditions. Do not be scared about the notions of agencies scamming you. Do not sign until you fully understand what you are getting into. The good thing is you do not have a face to face with your lenders. You will always find those agencies that really on your behalf.

They will negotiate and get a simple to follow program and debt payment schedule. Having a negotiated settlement will ease the financial burden and problem that is bothering you. All you have to do is follow the program to the teeth and make your monthly payment. The other way to consolidate debt loans is with a collateralized bank loan or home equity loan. Far too often if you wait too long, your debt problem gets worse. Whichever that suits your situation, do not wait too long.

And when it gets worse the harder you will find a better deal for your financial woes. Do yourself a favour and reduce your monthly bill payments, reduce your interest rate, and reduce your debt problems. Debt consolidation loan will always be a good way of dealing with indebtedness. Consolidate debt loans is possibly your best option for your financial wellness.


Credit Limits - Heidi Steffenson's Finance and Credit blog:

Credit cards are a convenient method of obtaining credit and when used properly they can provide flexibility& a range of useful benefits for the cardholder.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Professional Debt Help Is Essential In Such Cases

Category: Finance, Credit.

Debts, become a major, as they climb problem to cope up with. And with the number of online companies growing at a fast pace in today s time to help millions of customers deal with their problems, it is a good way to get rid of your debt troubles.

And it is imperative that before they assume the shape of a major headache, you seek advice to find a debt solution. And often as debts accumulate because of penalties and rising interest rates, it becomes increasingly difficult all the way. Borrowers can have a real tough time to relieve their debt burden. It is true that debt management is an art and many people are facing problems in this area. And this may be further compounded by poor handling of debts. At the same time, with banks hardening their approach toward loan and credit card defaulters, times can be troublesome. Professional debt help is essential in such cases.

But where there is a problem, there is also a solution. And the reports suggest that as the number of IVAs being approved by the banks is going down, more financial difficulties are on the way for the already debt- ridden people. And the professional experts who have been into the market with years of experience, they are perhaps the best guide in such a situation. Major reason for this is the fact that banks have not been able to recover the outstanding amounts from the IVA applicants. And of course, now with also the online solution providers doing their business well, customers can think of convenient solutions from them. And to give an idea how important a role the debt solution services play: thousands of people across the UK reportedly contact these services to find help to see through this pressing priority of debts management to save themselves from career- ruining debt problems.


Idea# 1- Respect Your Credit - Jaime Happ's Finance and Credit blog:

Many of us could stand to do some cleaning up with our credit. Actually, we have quite a bit of power when it comes to improving our credit scores.

More Than 1, 000 Rewards Items To Choose From - Finance and Credit Articles:

Introducing the Citi Diamond Preferred Rewards Card, the credit card with the flexibility to earn the rewards you really want. You earn 5 ThankYou points for every$ 1 spent on purchases at gas stations, drug stores and super markets.

Your Financial Credit History - Finance and Credit Articles:

Before you begin reading this article here is a number of insightful definitions.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

For Example, Lets Say That You Are A Talented Business Writer

Category: Finance, Credit.

So what are some ways you can start making money in your spare time? - Take on a hobby that you can translate into dollars. Teach basket weaving?

Can you walk a neighborhood dog? Host a dining room? Do Computer graphics? Baby- sit for your sister s kids? Consider which of your talents might be worth a few extra bucks and then go out there and do it. - Take on a part- time job. Just don t spend it all on holiday gifts and be sure to bank it into your savings. - Spend more wisely.

The holidays are soon coming up, and many people supplement their salaries with part- time retail jobs. We all have our own ways of wasting money. Just saving the dollar you would normally spend on that cup of coffee each day adds up. - Borrow from a trusted friend or relative. Now see how you can eliminate the ones that you wouldn t miss. The interest rate is low to nil, the cash is quick, but guilt is even higher. Utilize the Internet.

Be sure you have a plan for how you re going to pay back the loan even before you approach them. If you have any of these skills, you can utilize the internet to find potential clients. You can go to Elance or Guru( www. elance. com or www. guru. com) and look for jobs that people post that involve business writing. For example, lets say that you are a talented business writer. Trust me they are there. Have your contact information on that site so people can reach you.

You can create a small website about your talent and how you have chosen to monetize that talent. Advertise your business and website in your community with fliers or post cards. Another really great site to find interesting jobs and demand for skills you might have is Craigslist. You can pay a little neighborhood kid$ 25 to pass out the postcards to all of the doorsteps. This site is great because you really have the ability to find any job to create an extra income. Not only would this be a great time to learn about business and how to manage personal finance, but you will strengthen your friendship.

Maybe you know a friend who could use extra help with their business. If you get a little creative, you will be able to find something that you excel at and use that talent to help other people for a price. Who knows you might be onto your very own business that one day you can take full time. It is very easy to then use this money to pay down your debt. Wealth creation is a very important topic that we will not cover in to much detail but will at least get you started on that path.


Doing Credit Repair Is Not Easy - Finance and Credit Articles:

Having a negative credit history is not a good sign for current creditors and loan providers.

There Are Gas Credit Cards That Offer Additional Rewards Through The Point System - Finance and Credit Articles:

Gasoline prices are increasing every now and then, more frequently in recent years. Despite of the rising cost of gasoline and fuels, we still need to drive our cars to get to work.

There Are Some Steps You Should Take Before You Even Think About Getting Mortgage Advice - Finance and Credit:

Some bad credit mortgages are backed by major insurance providers but available through brokers, others by stand- alone providers, but they will mean higher interest rates, greater monthly payments and higher penalties for arrears. There are some steps you should take before you even think about getting mortgage advice.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Another Area To Conserve, And Avoid Credit Card Debt Is Utilities

Category: Finance, Credit.

The children have been invited to a birthday party, and the budget does not include presents in the middle of summer. Shopping for necessities at the local discount store, the cart soon has 10 items not included on the list.

Easter is coming, and a new dress is customary for this particular Sunday. And a friend wants to go out for dinner. Unfortunately, tomorrow will quickly grow into next month or next year, as the high interest rates, coupled with the minimum payments, keep the balance from decreasing. To cover the unexpected expenses, the credit card is presented to the cashier, and the patron will worry about the bill tomorrow. In fact, next month more unexpected expenses occur, digging a deeper financial hole. First, sit down and make a list of the unavoidable expenses.

In order to avoid credit card debt, create a workable budget, and just say, learn to conserve" NO! " For the average individual struggling with credit card debt, the problem begins simply because he/ she has not created a realistic budget. For example: the rent, utilities, or house payment, and automobile insurance. For instance, groceries are a flexible expense. Now, figure in the regular expenses over which an individual can adjust to fit the budget. Then, add the expenses, and only then like eating out, going to the, recreation movies, etc. To avoid the temptation to enter the world of credit card debt, an individual must look at the budget and make realistic changes to fit within the net income. (Only determine the budget based upon actual take home pay, and not the gross amount paid before deductions. ) The order in calculating the budget is important, as is the order to making the necessary changes. Now comes the hard part- comparing the expenses to the income.

So, begin reducing expenses starting from the bottom of the list. If the budget is too tight, reduction or elimination of these expenses is entirely possible. For example, movies and recreation are great but not essential. The alternative will likely become depressing, and risky credit, frustrating card debt. Now what? An individual has eliminated movies and other unnecessary expenses from the budget, but times are hard, and the list of expenses may still result in credit card debt. Conservation is the answer.

If long commutes are a necessity, and the gas bill is unavoidable, consider carpooling to share the expense. One area to conserve is the gas bill. When running errands, determine ahead of time a route to avoid doubling back, going from one end of town to the other. Not only will the gas bill go down, a person will get some healthy exercise. Also, consider walking or, whenever possible riding a bike. Another area to conserve, and avoid credit card debt is utilities.

Also, turn the lights off when leaving a room. Today, energy conservation bulbs are available to reduce electricity. Another suggestion is turning down the hot water heater. Also, turn down the heat a few degrees. Although a hot shower feels wonderful on a cold winter morning, turning the heater down a few degrees will not make that much difference, except in the budget. If the heating bills are causing financial stress, avoid the temptation to get into credit card debt by donning a sweater, using a lap blanket while watching television, or put a few extra blankets on the bed.

Finally, most people can conserve on the grocery bill. In the summer, closely monitor the amount of time necessary to minimally water the lawn, and water when the sun is not likely to evaporate the water, and the dollars. Although favorite foods and snacks may have to be sacrificed to avoid credit card debt, starvation is not the only option. Many cereals come in generic brands, and often in larger bulk packaging. For example, name brands are usually more expense than generic varieties. The same can be said for much of the items purchased at the supermarket.

While a good steak may be preferable, beans are a very healthy substitute. In addition, meat is not the only source of good protein. When buying meat, remember not to buy steaks on a hamburger budget. Look for cookbooks with menus on a budget. Wait for sales and avoid resorting to credit card debt to put groceries on the table. Although an individual may have created a workable budget, and knows how to conserve, the biggest culprit of credit card debt is simply the inability to say" NO" . When shopping with a list, do not deviate.

For instance, a child will not suffer irreversible social damage if he/ she cannot afford to go to every party, or the gift has to come from the dollar store. Chances are, if the item is not listed, an individual can do without until a more affordable time. If dining out is not affordable, without going into credit card debt, like a picnic, suggest an alternative, or sharing a meal at home. Finally, be honest with yourself and others. Learn to stick to a budget and just say no. In summary, the amount of people suffering from the financial woes of credit card debt is growing.

Do not go into credit card debt for wants, when saying no will provide financial peace. Individuals need to learn how to stick to a budget, and most importantly, conserve on expenses, just say" No" . Financial sacrifices now will result in the peace of knowing insurmountable credit card debt is not looming overhead.


They Provide Intensive Credit Repair Services That Boost Credit Scores - Dina Korn about Finance and Credit:

RCACredit is a company that serves individuals who want to increase their credit score in the credit market.

Of Course, Counseling At The Consumer Credit Counseling Service Is Confidential And At No Cost - Marcia Abe about Finance and Credit:

Unlike bankruptcy or debt settlement, you ll still be liable for paying the entire balance owed over a number of years, if you can, but as stated realistically commit to a long term payment arrangement, and you don t mind waiting a few extra years to become debt- free, consumer credit counseling may be right for you. Typically, credit counseling involves working with the counselors to work out a financial strategy to manage the debts.

Credit Reports, What Are They - Finance and Credit Articles:

Credit Reports, what are they?

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Getting Average Us Credit Score Are Fine

Category: Finance, Credit.

For the normal multitudes of masses, juggling a nice credit score with a healthy financial need requires a somewhat superhuman effort. For most of us, we painstakingly take into account every credit detail, often working long periods in comparing notes and bills on where to fit the last credit account that seems out of place.

For those who had, you deserve a, well major pat in the back. Really, maintaining even the average us credit score are tough work, a work that most of us fail. That is why I dislike the propaganda of maintaining good us credit score. Like me. The only problem is that most business institution now consider these credit scores in a sacred manner. That why however unkind these policies are people like me endured to keep this ratings to appropriate levels.

Education and skill has fallen to the second tier, and the credit score has become the determining factor for landing a job, a concept that can get you stoned in the past. Because credit scores do hurt in times where you need them the most. That means aim for a 600 or more. Getting average us credit score are fine. This rating is the average credit score for most credit systems, though going for more wont hurt. A slight misstep can lower scores drastically, and most of them dont even involve monthly payments made on time.

I have never seen such system so fickle too. Here are the pitfalls you should avoid. Think it over if its worth it. If youre thinking of closing some accounts, my say is wait. This move can damage, and your average credit score will dip to bad rating faster than you can blink. So keep those old accounts, it even gives you a considerable credit limit too if you think about it.

Your credit rating is also determined on how long you have handled credit so those old accounts do show on the stats. The 35% credit limit maintenance is where consumers most likely fail. Besides, with households that have struggling finance, credit often provides the most viable solution. Because a 35% credit limit would amount next to nothing is your credit line is not that great. It surprising that banking institution are more forgiving in terms of late payments than the absence of a credit account. So those credit holders that wont use their credit line can jeopardize their average credit scores. Thriftiness doesnt make good business with the bankers so they fall into the credit risk category.

In the end, maintaining average us credit score would be far more beneficial than taking pains in making it into a good credit, when good credit requires you to spend frivolously. Live your life free from this cruel culture of credit scores and ratings. Drop those credit cards you dont need and consolidate your debt further than 35% .


Your Credit Score Is Calculated Differently Between Each Credit Bureau - Denise Conboy about Finance and Credit:

Many people may think they know exactly what a credit score is and what it does. Perhaps many do not realize the impact that credit has had on our modern world, and just what we re all referring to when we say those words.

Credit Is A Delicate Thing - Finance and Credit Articles:

Your Credit report is a permanent record of how you acquire and pay off debt.

If A Credit Card Ad Seems Too Good To Be True, It Probably Is - Finance and Credit Articles:

People receive offers for different types of cards everyday through emails, television, letter mail, radio, and even the, magazines newspaper. All of these card companies know that many people in today s society are very naive and accepting of credit card advertisements that seem too good to be true, which they really are.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

You Can Put In An Application For A Credit Card In Different Ways

Category: Finance, Credit.

First, one amongst the most valuable things you need to look into when trying to make up your mind which credit card corporation to register with is the interest rate on the credit card. Credit card corporations that are very good in providing student credit cards use the credit card rate or annual credit card rate( APR) , as a check to stop students from exceeding the credit card limit and as a means of encouraging quick payment of credit card bills.

Student s credit card is vital as a result of the fact that it assists students to earn and also maintain a wonderful credit rating history, which can ultimately make it straightforward in the event that a loan is needed in the future. Credit card services are growing to be interestingly popular on account of the increase in the number of people who use them. Chase credit card, a pertinent credit card corporation can be found on the Net with a range of credit cards like flexible rewards visa signature card, free cash rewards platinum visa card, chase perfect platinum master card and others. In a bid to avoid being tagged an out of date or non- serious business, several services in America now patronize the process of collecting payment by the use of a credit card. You can access the vital info on the site- www. The first step anybody looking to do away with credit card debt needs to take is to admit that he| she is in debt in the first place.

Chase. com. Acknowledging your debts gives you the courage to move on and plan on how to take care of them. You can put in an application for a credit card in different ways. In opting for a credit card offer, you ought to look into certain factors like your wages, how frequently you get paid and even your spending habits. In person, by means of, on the phone a sales agent or online. At the end, there re a wide range of credit card corporations that are in existence and that provide services and rates that are suited to different needs.

Whichever way, it s important to relay nothing but factual info for use by the credit card corporation. You can research these corporations to find one that you are sincerely pleased with.


Why Should You Avail Of A Credit Card - Nanette Enfield's Finance and Credit blog:

Life without credit cards is hard to imagine these days.

You Have To Know That You Can Trust That Person To Not Hurt Your Credit - Finance and Credit Articles:

Yes, you can do a balance transfer from someone else s credit card, but there are a few caution signs you need to pay attention to before you jump into it. But if it is done carefully and with prior planning and wariness, it can be beneficial to both that person and to you.

Credit Cards Are Somewhat Notorious For Giving Us The Ability To Run Up Debts Without Really Realising What We Re Doing - Irene Monty about Finance and Credit:

While there are some very organised people out there who open every piece of mail as soon as it arrives, and take the appropriate action straight away, many of us don t quite take the same approach. This, is not really, however a good way to deal with things, and here are three reasons why.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Bonus Miles/ Points

Category: Finance, Credit.

There are many airline credit cards available today, but it is up to you to earn the most miles/ points possible. Let s discuss in more detail how to maximize your card s earning potential.

You will find how to earn bonus miles, use business expenses to your advantage, and how to turn normal purchases/ budget expenses into miles/ points. Bonus Miles/ Points. A little investigation into what each card offers before applying can save you not only in interest and fees, but in actual miles/ points as well. Some airline credit cards will give a new card holder bonus miles for choosing their card or even give double miles/ points when you purchase airline tickets. In fact, some airline credit cards offer as much as 25, 000 miles just for choosing their card! Double Miles/ Points.

A little research in this area will definitely be to your advantage in getting the most miles/ points as quickly as possible. Another avenue of quickly adding mileage/ points to your account is by receiving double miles/ points for airline ticket purchases. If you travel frequently due to business or for personal reasons, these types of miles/ points credits could really add up quickly. Check to see if the airline credit card companies you are interested in will double miles/ points for the purchase cost of a regular ticket charge. Business Expenses and Tickets. For personal benefit, another approach is to charge business expenses to your airline miles credit card that will be eventually reimbursed by your employer.

As a business owner, you can use your airline credit card for business expenses and earn miles to help offset the expense of your employees airline tickets for their business trips. When you receive your travel check from your employer, make sure you pay the balance owed by the due date and you will have miles/ points earned for a well- earned vacation! Since many airline miles credit cards have a higher interest rate than other cards, to most effectively use your airline credit card without running up unnecessarily high interest charges: 1) Use your card to purchase as many items as possible. Earning Maximum Miles/ Points and keep the Interest Costs down. Including paying off your monthly bills without going over your usual monthly expenses already budgeted; 2) Immediately pay off any balances when your airline credit card statement arrives. Rewards. What will this accomplish? 1) It will credit your account with the maximum miles/ points without incurring the high interest rates; 2) Since you are earning miles/ points quickly, you can enjoy the reward of going on more trips or to a more exotic destination than by just occasionally using your airline miles credit card.

There are so many ways you can reap the rewards of your airline miles credit card, from saving money for your business expenses, finally being able to take that dream vacation, to bringing home your child from college or living far away. . . unlimited uses. . . unlimited dreams. . . It is up to you how quickly your reward miles/ points add up. Conclusion. These ideas are very simple, but if used correctly will give you maximum benefits with minimal costs. I think you will definitely find that these methods will enable you to earn miles and points quickly with your new airline credit card. Here is a quick checklist for your reference: 1) Research alone can add up to 25, 000 miles on your new card. 2) Add some miles from airline ticket purchases. 3) Business expenses- either actual business or personal business can be used to offset future business expenses or used to enable personal trips. 4) Finally, converting simple costs of daily purchases/ budgetary expenses into miles/ points will give you countless opportunities to earn miles and points.


So What S Stopping You From Getting A Credit Card - Finance and Credit Articles:

So what s stopping you from getting a credit card?

Credit Card Debt Comes From Improper Use Of The Credit Cards - Bridgett Marron's Finance and Credit blog:

Credit card debt comes from improper use of the credit cards. Credit cards on their own cannot drive anyone into difficult financial situation, its how you use them matters the most.

When Was It Ever Mandatory For A Possible Spouse To Have A Good Credit History - Finance and Credit:

When you find the man or woman of your dreams, you should be able to list all the things you want in a spouse and have them match the profile.

Monday, August 18, 2008

After Receiving No Response From A Debtor, Legal Proceeding May Than Begin

Category: Finance, Credit.

Businesses that extend credit to their clients can be a very advantageous situation. Unfortunately, businesses can sometimes have the problem of collecting bad debts.

This can attract more sales by giving clients an extra convenience. To avoid having to collect on bad debts, it is important for a business to lessen the problem of bad debts before a problem even arises. First there are credit management strategies. If a bad debt does occur there are different methods a business can implement in order to collect on bad debt. A business should always state clearly the terms related to extending credit and do thorough credit checks. It also helps if the company maintains accurate records and makes notes on any amount of money that is due or overdue. The business should be sure that all credit agreements are put in writing and signed.

Credit ratings should be evaluated regularly and if practical for the company, have the client give a deposit or pre pay for any services or products. A business should always have a specific practice for following up on debts. The company may even want to collect payment as a project progresses to reduce the possibility of incurring a bad debt. Making phone calls, visiting customers or sending polite reminders are some things that can be done. A business may want to contact the individual that owes a debt and come to an agreement on payment. If a bad debt still occurs after using some strategies for credit management and the company need to recover the debt, they may want to try a consultation.

The company can get assistance from centers such as the Community Justice Center to resolve any debt disputes. The letter should request that the amount due be paid by a certain date. If debt consultation is unsuccessful, a business may want to send a letter of demand to the individual or company that owes money. The letter should detail the debt and warn that legal action will be taken if the debt is not paid by the date specified. A business may prefer to send a letter asking for payment instead of a letter of demand. A company should be sure to evaluate the situation before using legal means to collect a debt.

A statutory letter can also be used if the debtor does not respond to a letter of demand. A statutory letter lets the debtor know of impending legal action that will commence in twenty one days. This type of letter is similar to a letter of demand but it is sent out like a court document. After receiving no response from a debtor, legal proceeding may than begin. The kind of legal action taken depends on the amount of money owed. A business should be aware that starting legal proceeding is the most complicated way to collect a debt.

Small Claims Courts deal with debt up to$ 10, 000 while the General Division of a local court can handle debt that is up to$ 40, 00 Legal proceedings can be expensive so a business should consult their local court for information on potential costs.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Finally, Try Not To Borrow More Money To Repay Your Debts

Category: Finance, Credit.

A bad debt is borrowing where the debt has not been reimbursed in compliance with the terms and conditions of the lending agreement. Having a bad debt on your credit file will make it more difficult if you want to take on a loan in the future.

A debt is determined as bad where is it not likely that the credit provider will be able to recoup the money. Having a lot of debt and not having enough money to service the repayments is a horrible position to be in. Never, ever ignore debt problems- they won t go away and will only get worse. However, it is important that you do not panic- instead, by actually facing up to the problem and taking steps to tackle it, you will find that the problem lessens and you will feel more in control. Here are some simple steps on tackling a debt problem: First of all, draw up a list of all the money you owe, prioritising them as to their importance. (While all debt is important, arrears on your mortgage or rent is more important than a debt on a credit card or a sofa- you could lose your home if you don t pay the former. Then work out how much money you can realistically afford to pay on your debts each month.

The latter is not essential) . Divide the money up- if you have any left- and set about allocating money to the most important debts first. Downsize your car. Also, use this exercise to see whether you can make cutbacks to your financial commitments. Get a part time job to increase your income. Swap nights out for cheap nights in etc. Check that you are not missing out on tax credits.

Then contact your creditors and explain that you can only afford to pay so much. Most companies will be sympathetic- they would rather that you come to them and try and pay them what you owe rather than them getting nothing back at all. Send them a letter showing a breakdown of your budget and financial commitments etc so that they can understand your financial situation. If you do not feel confident doing this yourself, your local Citizens Advice Bureau( CAB) can put you in touch with organisations who can help, for free. Finally, try not to borrow more money to repay your debts. Creditors are not allowed to pressurise or hassle you and if you have made them fully aware of your financial situation and they still continue, speak to your, again local CAB or similar organisation.

Go about gradually paying off your existing ones- changing your lifestyle if you need to for a while- and plan for the day when you ll be debt free! A debt management company assists you to re- arrange your financial situation to get you free from your debts. When reading regarding this matter, here is a range of the terms you might very well come across. However, they normally charge you something for this service and they may even suggest applying for more lending! It provides( free of charge) , impartial and confidential counselling to individuals on solving debt troubles in the United Kingdom. The National Debt Line is a countrywide telephone helpline. Their telephone helpline is on hand every day of the week plus, they have an online website that offers lots of constructive assistance and counsel on it.

The Money Advice Trust( MAT) presents persons a strategic plan to controlling critical personal debt problems in order that they can regain proper control of their finances. The National Debtline is an element of MAT( the Money Advice Trust, which is a registered charity.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Student Gas Credit Card Comparison Results

Category: Finance, Credit.

For a student, it can be difficult to get a credit card that saves money on gas.

The average college student does not have the time for classes and a job. The best credit cards require a minimum annual income. Those who do work after class still do not earn enough to qualify for most rewards credit cards. For a student who drives there are some student gas credit cards available. A student usually only qualifies for basic credit card. Citi Upromise Card- save 2% at Exxon& Mobil Gas Stations. This credit card can earn you cash back on every purchase.

The Citi Upromise Card is the number one rewards card for college savings as rated by CNN/ Money. There are tens of thousands of stores that you can save at. Friends of families can automatically contribute to the college savings when they use their credit card. As a Upromise member, you can open a Upromise College Fund savings plan through Upromise Investments by saving as little as$ 50 a month( that's less than$ 2 a day) . College savings on purchases, everywhere you shop! No annual fee. Plus 10% EXTRA college savings on 7000+ grocery and drug store items. 0% APR on balance transfers for 12 months.

The Citi Upromise Card earns 2% cash back at Exxon and Mobil gas stations, plus 1% on all other purchases. Best of all, there is no limit to how much you can save. When you use this credit card at select stores, you also earn additional cash back. Excellent credit is required. Another great rewards credit card is the Citi Driver's Edge Card for College Students. Citi Driver's Edge Card for College Students- 3% Cash Back on Gas.

This student credit card earns 3% cash back at supermarkets, drug stores and gas stations. You can also earn Drive Rebates based on how many miles you drive. On other purchases, you earn 1% rebates. For driving 10, you can earn, 000 miles$ 100 in rebates. Earn rebates towards any car, new or used. Here are some other features: 0% APR for 6 months on purchases, and balance transfers, cash advances.

Build your credit history. No annual fee. Free online account management. $0 liability on unauthorized purchases. There is an annual limit for the rebates you can earn. It is easy to qualify for the Citi Driver's Edge for College Students. Each year you can earn up to$ 1000 in rebates.

They do not ask for a minimum annual income or a co- signer. The Discover Student Clear Card offers up to 5% cash back on select purchases such as gas stations, book stores, restaurants, theaters, clothing stores and more. Discover Student Clear Card- 5% on' Get More' purchases. Plus get 1% cash back on other purchases. Turn your rebates into gift certificates at select stores and double your cash back. There is no limit to how much cash you can earn each year.

They do ask for your employment information. No Annual Fee. So you may get declined if you are not currently employeed. 0% Intro APR on Purchases for 6 Months. Easiest Online Account Management Options. Up to 1% Cashback Bonus� on all your other purchases. Full 5% Cashback Bonus� on Get More Program purchases throughout the year. Build Your Credit History.

DOUBLE your Cashback Bonus� (turn$ 20 into$ 40) when you redeem for gift cards or certificates from many of our 60 brand name partners. Unlimited cash rewards that never expire as long as you use your Card. A drawback of the Discover Student Clear Card is that throughout the year you can only earn 5% cash back on certain category purchases. So you might only get 5% cash back at gas stations for part of each year. Four times a year these categories change. If your shopping habits vary, this could work to your advantage.

If you have excellent credit, the Citi Upromise Card would be the best choice as it offers the most savings. Student Gas Credit Card Comparison Results. If you have a job but do not have sufficient credit for the Upromise Card, the Discover Student Clear Card can earn you high cash back rates. For students without a job, the Citi Driver's Edge for College Students might be right for you. It is at the cost of a rotating rewards program. It is easy to qualify for and still earns rebates everywhere you shop.

Any of these credit cards would be a great way for a student to save money.

Monday, August 11, 2008

A Customer Now Uses His Card And Goes. Anywhere

When a customer opens a new bank account, the bank provides the customer with an ATM or Automatic Teller card. He no longer needs to come into the bank for these simple transactions.

If the customer needs to make a cash withdraw or enquire the balance of the account he can now do this at the bank's ATM machine. To improve features, banks merged the ATM card with a Debit card that includes the logo from a major credit card company so make purchasing items at any store that accepts credit cards a breeze. To improve on what most considered a perfect product, Banks developed the Cash Plus card. Customers appreciate the convenience of the Debit card for POS( Point of Sale) purchases and no longer needing to carry cash around. The Cash Plus card combines all the features and benefits of the debit and ATM cards into one easy to use card. With the Cash Plus card, greater potential for customer benefit is created.

In the past, the customer would need to complete his transactions at a bank's ATM or by the use of shopkeeper or store contacting his bank to authorize the purchase. Now, at any ATM around the world that accepts" Plus" sign cards, a customer can make a withdrawal, check balances and transfer funds easily and efficiently putting his money in reach no matter how far away from his local bank he is. This eliminates the need for traveler's checks and computing confusing foreign currency exchange rates. Using his Plus card, a customer can make purchases or process payments anywhere major credit cards, are accepted, like Visa. A customer now uses his card and goes. anywhere. The pre- paid card can be recharged which is great for those who want to budget their money better while not being faced with the aggravation of late payments, interest charges or huge over the spending limit fees as is the case with credit cards.

Cash Plus cards have faced another revolution in recent years offering the" pre- paid" card, which can be used for anything from grocery items, gasoline purchases or any other pay as you go purchase. Pre- paid cards even allow the owner to shop online or by phone with the knowledge that their purchase is secure and their personal identity and credit is not at risk. Also, Plus cards typically do not have additional annual fees or POS fees. An additional and often overlooked benefit of the Cash Plus card is that the bearer is offered a higher withdrawal limit at an ATM as well as an increased average daily line of use at a POS. However, as with any debit card, ATM charges may be applicable as these fees are based on particular ATM's bank policy. This is understandable and we hope you' ve found what you are looking for by browsing our site.

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